Creating Visuals with Variable Dimensions

  1. Open a new visual based on US County Population dataset.
  2. Choose the bar chart visual type.
  3. Populate the shelves of the visual:

    • From Dimension, select and move stname field onto the X shelf.
    • From Measures, select and move tot_pop field onto the Y shelf.
    • On the Y shelf, select tot_pop field, chose the Aggregates menu, and change the aggregate from Sum to Average.
    • On the Y shelf, select tot_pop field, chose the Order menu, and select Ascending.
    • Click Refresh Visual.
  4. On the X shelf, select stname field, and then select Enter/Edit Expression menu.
  5. In the Enter/Edit Expression modal window,

    • Change the text to the following expression: <<dim:[stname]>>.
    • Click Validate Expression.
    • After successful validation, click Save.
  6. Click Refresh Visual.
  7. Change the name of the visual to Average population by <<dim>>.

    Note that in this case, to have a nice title in your application, you must add the <<dim>> parameter to the title of the visual; it is used by the filters you are defining next.

  8. Click Save.