Date/Time Display Formats

Data and Time formatting in Arcadia Enterprise offers common notation options as built-ins. It also offers a simple customization component that transforms date/time information.

By default, data/time records appear in the form [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD] [hh]:[mm]:[ss].[sss], in most-to-least significant order. This is consistent with the ISO 8601 Date and Time Specification.

The following steps demonstrate the use date/time display formatting interface for Basic Formats and Custom Formats. We are using the NYC Taxicab Rides Detail dataset, based on the table main.trips-detail.

Basic Formats for Date/Time

  1. Create a new visual.
  2. In the tables chart type, place the field pickup_neighborhood on the Dimensions shelf, and the field pickup_datetime on the Measures shelf.
  3. Click the icon to the right of the pickup_datetime field.
  4. In the dropdown, click Display Format.
  5. In the Enter Display Format modal window,

    • Under Category, select Date/Time.

      Notice that this action adds a Basic Formats selector, and a Customize Date/Time field.

    • Under Basic Formats, select 2010-01-05.
    • Click Save.
  6. Click Refresh Visual.

    Notice the change to the number format in column pickup_datetime.

Custom Formats for Date/Time

  1. Create a new visual.
  2. In the tables chart type, place the field pickup_neighborhood on the Dimensions shelf, and the field pickup_datetime on the Measures shelf.
  3. Click the icon to the right of the pickup_datetime field.
  4. In the dropdown, click Display Format.
  5. In the Enter Display Format modal window,

    • Under Category, select Date/Time.

      Notice that this action adds a Basic Formats selector, and a Customize Date/Time field.

    • Under Customize Date/Time, enter the mask hh:mm a.
    • Click Save.
  6. Click Refresh Visual.

    Notice the change to the number format in column pickup_datetime.