Using Single Value, with Dropdown Menu

This mode of application controls was designed to find and select a single value from a dropdown menu. It uses a dropdown menu for selection.

  1. In application edit mode, hover over a filter that is already added to the application, until the controls appear on the top right.

    active filter based on state field
    Active Filter
  2. Click the icon (gear).

    configuring a filter
    Configuring the Filter

    The Settings modal window appears.

  3. In the Settings modal window, under Display Settings tab, ensure that the following options are checked:

    • Permit only one item to be selected
    • [Optional] In single select mode, include a 'No Selection' option
    • When in single-item selection mode, checking this box...

    Click Apply.

    Display Settings for a Single-Select Filter with Drop-down Menu and 'No Selection' Option
    Display Settings for a Single-Select Filter with Drop-down Menu and 'No Selection' Option
  4. In the state filter, click Select.

    The application control expands.

  5. [Optional] In the Search box, enter the search term and click the icon (magnifying glass).
  6. Click the icon (up/down arrows) to open the menu of available choices.

    Single-Select Filter with Drop-down Menu and 'No Selection' Option
    Single-Select Filter with Drop-down Menu and 'No Selection' Option
  7. Make your selections, as needed.