Using Arcadia Smart Acceleration

While analytical views accelerate query requests from pre-aggregated results, Arcadia Smart Acceleration simplifies and partially automates the creation of analytical views for existing applications based on query history.

Availability Notes:
  • Available only if App Acceleration is enabled.
  • Available only on visuals and filters that are built on datasets accessed through an Arcadia Engine connection.
  • Available on ArcEngine Release 2.2.7 and subsequent releases.
  • For each accelerated component, the user must have Manage Dataset dataset level permissions and Manage Analytical Views data connection level permissions.
  • The execution history report is obtained from the activity log file, as enabled in the settings AUDIT_LOGFILE entry.
Developer Notes:
  • This feature is in Public Beta mode.
  • It does not provide support for datasets with associated logical views, for reports with derived data, or for parametrized expressions.
  • Recommendation Engine requires manual analytical view refresh, or inclusion for a 'refresh analytical views' step in the ETL process.

The many benefits of using the recommendation engine include the following:

In this exercise, we are using an application we built on the dataset National Geo Features, based on the information found on the United States Board on Geographic Names Website.

The following steps show how to accelerate the application through the recommendation engine.

  1. In the main navigation bar, click Apps.
  2. Find the application to accelerate, using Search.

    Alternatively, if the application is part of a defined App Group, select the App Group in the left navigation bar.

    We are using the previously defined App Group National Geo.

  3. Select the application to accelerate by clicking on its top right corner.

    selecting an application
  4. In the top menu, click Accelerate Apps.

    accelerating app
  5. The Smart Acceleration interface, AKA Recommendation Manager appears. Note that it does not yet offer any recommendations.

    default Recommendation Engine interface
  6. Click Get Analytical View Recommendations.

    requesting recommendation
  7. After Smart Acceleration analyses the application and existing analytical views, it returns the results.

    Notice the features of the interface and the actions you can now perform:

    1. To choose another app, click Returning To App Selection.
    2. To start implementing the advice of the Recommendation Manager, click Create Recommended Analytical Views.
    3. To ensure that the analytical views are ready, click Refresh New/Stale Analytical Views.
    4. Status of Selected Apps shows the ID and Title of the accelerated application, and the Status of the recommendation. Note that in this case, there is one existing acceleration (in green, because it is 'fresh'), and one recommendation (in blue).
    5. Recommended Analytical Views lists both existing analytical views, and recommended analytical views. Note the available Actions for each analytical view (create, refresh, and delete), the Dimensions, the Measures, and the SQL expression that defines them, under Show SQL.
    6. To change the names of the recommended analytical views, click on the name and edit 'in place'.

    Click (right arrow) icon under Status of Selected Apps to show detail.

    initial recommendation screen
  8. Note that the expanded view shows the visual to which the recommendation applies.

    detailed recommendation screen
  9. There are two options for creating a recommended analytical views:

    1. To create all recommended analytical views, click Create Recommended Analytical Views near the top of the interface.
    2. To selectively create some of the recommended analytical views, find the recommendation under Recommended Analytical Views, and click its (cube) icon.
    creating recommended analytical view
  10. After Smart Acceleration creates the new analytical view, it appears on the interface with the new status of 'needs initial refresh', in orange color. There are two options for refreshing analytical views:

    1. To refresh all analytical views, click Refresh New/Stale Analytical Views near the top of the interface.
    2. To selectively refresh some of the analytical views, find the analytical view under Recommended Analytical Views, and click its (refresh) icon.
    analytical view created
  11. After the initial refresh completes, the updated Smart Acceleration interface shows the new status of all analytical views.

    recommendation interface with all views created and refreshed

You have successfully accelerated your app!

Note that you should consider new acceleration recommendations after each significant change to the app, such as adding new visuals or filter parameters.