Specifying Filters in Visuals

To use application controls, first specify the relevant filters in the visuals.

In this demonstration, you will be working with the US Census dataset. You will add state and year field filters to two existing visuals, State Line Graph and State Table Data.

  1. Open State Line Graph.

    • In the main navigation bar, click Apps.
    • In the search bar, enter the name of the previously defined visual you wish to use.

      Alternatively: in the left navigation bar, click All, then browse to find the previously saved visual.

    • Click the icon that represents the visual or the app.

      opening an application
    • Click Edit in the top left corner, to edit the app.

      editing an application
  2. In the State Line Graph visual edit mode, make the following changes:

    • Select state from Dimensions, and drag it onto the Filters shelf.
    • Select year from Measures, and drag it onto the Filters shelf.
  3. In the top left corner of the screen, click Save to save State Line Graph.

    set-up for 'State Line Graph' visual
    Set-up for 'State Line Graph' Visual
  4. Open State Table Data.

    • In the main navigation bar, click Apps.
    • In the search bar, enter the name of the previously defined visual you wish to use.

      Alternatively: in the left navigation bar, click All, then browse to find the previously saved visual.

    • Click the icon that represents the visual or the app.

      opening an application
    • Click Edit in the top left corner, to edit the app.

      editing an application
  5. In the State Line Graph visual edit mode, make the following changes:

    • Select state from Dimensions, and drag it onto the Filters shelf.
    • Select year from Measures, and drag it onto the Filters shelf.
  6. In the top left corner of the screen, click Save to save State Table Data.

    Set-up for 'State Table' Visual
    Set-up for 'State Table' Visual