Extension CSS APIs

Best practice guidelines for CSS customizations:

CSS Classes
Class Description
arc-app-container Container class for apps. One exists on the page when an app is rendered.
arc-viz-container Container class for visuals. One exists on the page for each visual.
arc-viz-type-visualtype Container class for a specific visual type. For example, tables have an arc-viz-type-table class.
arc-viz-title-container Container class for a div that surrounds the title. Commonly used to center the title within this container.
arc-viz-subtitle-container Container class for a div that surrounds the subtitle. Commonly used to center the subtitle within this container.
arc-viz-title Class applied to the title.
arc-viz-subtitle Class applied to the subtitle.
arc-viz-axis Class applied to the axis.
arc-viz-legend Class applied to the color or mark legend.
arc-viz-axis-label Class applied to the axis label.