Managing Analytical Views in the User Interface

Analytical Views may be monitored and managed through the Arcadia Enterprise interface.

  1. On the main navigation bar, click Data.

    The Data view appears, open on the Datasets tab.

  2. Click the Analytical Views tab.

    Accessing the List of Analytical Views
    Accessing the List of Analytical Views
  3. The list of analytical views appears.

    This interface provides most of the management functions for analytical views, including the definition of analytical views, which is described in Creating Analytical Views in User Interface.

    Note the elements of this interface:

    1. Create Analytical View button.

      See Creating Analytical Views in the User Interface.

    2. Table (or logical view) over which the analytical view is defined.
    3. List of specific analytical views.

      Note that the naming convention used here is ConnectionName.TableName|LogicalViewName_av_n, where n is the sequential order in which the analytical views are created.

    4. The State of the specific view. Possible values are indicated by up to date (equivalent to FRESH), invalid, stale, and unusable.

      See States of Analytical Views.

    5. The icon (refresh) is available only when the analytical view is not in the up to date state. Clicking it will refresh the analytical view.

      See Refreshing Analytical Views in the User Interface.

    6. The icon (trash) is available at all times. Clicking it brings up the Delete confirmation modal window to confirm the removal of the analytical view.

      See Deleting Analytical Views in the User Interface.

    7. The Base Table Partition Changes columns indicate what changes have been made to the partitions of the table: Additions, Deletions, and Updates. If the analytical view is not partitioned, it shows as N/A.
    8. The Total View Partitions column indicates the number of partitions in the analytical view. If the analytical view is not based on a partitioned table, it shows as N/A.
    9. The Dimensions column specifies the dimensions used in building the analytical view.
    10. The green triangle in the top right corner of a dimension indicates that the dimension is a partitioning column of the analytical view.
    11. The Measures column specifies the measurements used in building the analytical view. Note that it is sometimes expressed as sum(1),creating he  which is equivalent to simple record count.
    12. The column Show/Hide SQL contains the SELECT statement that defines the specific analytical view.

      By default, the statement is hidden. To show it, click Show SQL. To hide it, click Hide SQL.

      This column cannot be edited to change the analytical view definition. See Understanding the SQL Expression of the Analytical View.

    Using the Analytical Views List Interface
    Using the Analytical Views List Interface