Filter Scope

Filter scope in Arcadia Data has three options: explicit filter scope, dataset filter scope, and app group filter scope.

  1. Explicit Filter Scope is defined when an app sends out parameters to other visuals, and the visuals accept these parameters in their Filters shelf. This can be enabled at the level of each visual, through the Settings Parameters Explicit Scope option. Note that click behavior has explicit scope, and therefore must be set at parameter level.

    This is expected to be used sparingly for a small number of visuals in each dashboard that represent a high level look at a metric and that should not be filtered by visible filters.

    Note that Explicit Scope overrides Dataset Scope. In other words, a Dataset Scoped filter applies to all visuals in a dashboard that do not have Explicit Scope turned on.

    The scope of Click behavior is explicit. If you want visuals to be updated based on selected elements, make sure to explicitly place these columns in the filter shelf of the target visuals.

  2. We define Dataset Scope, the default setting for new filters, at the level of the app. It propagates the filters across all visuals inside the app that use the same dataset. Remember that an app may contain visuals based on different datasets.

    Dataset Scope is set using Filter settings. Filters with Dataset Scope will apply to all visuals in the dashboard that are using the same dataset. This is the default for new filters.

    Dataset-scoped filters use the parameter passing mechanism; these parameters may be used within visuals on the shelves, in the title, within expressions, and so on.

  3. We also define AppGroup Scope at the app level. Filters with AppGroup Scope apply to all app groups that contain the app. AppGroup Scope is set using Filter settings. Filters with AppGroup Scope apply to all appgroups that contain the app.