Reverse Legend Order

To reverse the legend for a graph,

  1. Click Settings on the right side of the Visuals menu.

    selecting visual settings menu

    The Settings modal window appears.

  2. In the Settings modal window, click Marks.
  3. Select Reverse Legend Order.

    Settings modal for line graph, open on Marks tab; checkbox for 'Show Legend' (active), 'Reverse Legend order' (active), and so on, and Apply button (active)
    Reverse Legend for Line Graph; Settings Marks
  4. Click Apply.

  5. Click Refresh Visual.

  6. Note that the legend is initially appears in ascending alphabetical order, and then reverses to descending alphabetical order.

    Line chart for world population: sum(population) on Y axis, year on X axis, country generating different upward trending lines, legend on the right side
    Compare Legend Ordering on Line Chart, Ascending versus Descending
  7. For graphs that map a continuum of values, such as choropleth maps, the legend shows a sliding scale of color and values at the minimum, median, and maximum. The reverse legend option simply changes the orientation of the legend from maximum value on top, to minimum value on top.

    Settings modal for line graph, open on Marks tab; checkbox for 'Show Legend' (active), 'Reverse Legend order' (active), and so on, and Apply button (active)
    Reverse Legend for Maps; Settings Marks
    Choropletch word population map, with continuous legend on right side
    Compare Choropleth Map with Legend Max to Min, and with Legend Min to Max