Routing Queries To Analytical Views Defined on Tables

In the presence of a relevant analytical view, the user query is diverted from hitting base tables and instead computes based on data cached in the analytical view.
Query Routing Through Arcadia's Analytical Views

Routing enables Arcadia Engine to transparently use the data from an analytical view, instead of having the query processed on the base tables. The engine routes the input query from the user (QI) to an analytical view by matching QI to a query that was earlier used to define the analytical view (QA). It then substitutes parts (or all) of QI by QA. If a matching analytical view is not found, the query is evaluated against the base table.

This model of routing queries to analytical views that are based on tables enables incremental refresh, if the analytical views are partitioned on the same columns as the tables. Incremental refresh ensures faster loading of data into analytical views.

Some limitations of defining analytical views on base tables are that analytical views cannot model joins, sub-queries, window functions, and unions. This limits the SQL expressions that can be supported by analytical views to single table domains.

Contrast this with Routing Queries with Logical Views to Analytical Views.