Editing the Properties of Apps

The following steps demonstrate how you could edit the properties of existing apps, starting with the Apps interface.

We will be editing the properties of the Documentation Collateral app.

  1. On the main navigation bar, click the (gear) icon.

  2. In the dropdown, click Apps.

    Notice the that options that show in this menu depend on the user's roles and privileges.

    Selecting Apps from Gear menu

    The Apps interface appears.

  3. In the Apps interface, click the (gear) icon that corresponds to the Documentation Collateral app.
  4. Alternatively, click Visuals in the main navigation menu across the top, and then select the app to modify in the left navigation menu. When you hover over the name of the app, a (gear) icon appears. Click it.

    navigating to app edit from left navigation
  5. The App: Documentation Collateral interface appears.

  6. In the App: Documentation Collateral interface, click the Edit button.

    new apps added to the list
  7. In Edit mode, under the Basic tab, you can edit a number of properties:

    • The Name property may be changed here.
    • The Icon property is off by default, but you can select one from the drop-down list.
    • Apps may have Subgroups. Click the (plus) icon, and enter the name of the subgroup.

      When editing Subgroups, you can remove a subgroup by clicking its (trash) icon. You can also change the order of subgroups by dragging them to a new location to re-order.

    • Under Access, notice that apps Show in [your] Apps side menu by default. To hide the app, uncheck that option.

      To restrict other users from seeing the app, select the Only visible to me option.

    changes to app under Basic tab
  8. [Optional] Under the Settings tab, there are a few additional options that determine the appearance of the app when it is externalized as an application. See Adding Custom Styles to Apps for information on how to use them.

  9. Click Save to save the changes to the app.

    save app
  10. If you click on the Apps link immediately over the App: Documentation Collateral title, you can see the updated list of apps.

    list of all apps
  11. Additionally, in apps that have subgroups (such as Documentation Collateral), clicking on the (right-arrow) icon shows the names of the subgroups.

    Note that the subgroups cannot be edited, deleted, or launched directly. Subgroups may be removed when editing an app. Also,you can add and remove visuals and dashboards in the Visuals interface, just as with primary Apps.

    expanded list of apps, showing subgroups