Using Dashboard Filters and Parameters

Now that you created a control-enabled application, let us examine some common usage scenarios.

In this demonstration, we use the controls built into the application State Data, Filtered. To see how to construct this app, refer to the preceding documentation in this module, specifically to Creating Dashboards with Filters and Parameters.

  1. Click Apps.
  2. Find and launch the application State Data, Filtered.
  3. In the state filter, click Select.

  4. Selecting Specific Values

    In the dropdown menu, check the state(s) that should appear in the visual.

    Note that all visuals that use the filter value change their content.

  5. Re-Selecting All Values

    In the dropdown menu, check All.

    Note that all visuals that use the filter value change their content.

  6. Selecting Which Values to Exclude

    In the dropdown menu, check the state(s) that should not appear in the visual.

    Next, check Exclude Selected.

    Note that all visuals that use the filter value change their content.

  7. Excluding All Values

    In the dropdown menu, check All.

    Next, check Exclude Selected.

    Note that all visuals that use the filter value change their content.