Removing Datasets

The following steps demonstrate how to delete a dataset.

Caution. Deleting a dataset deletes all applications that use it. However, it does not delete the data from the database.

Any analytical views that were defined on the dataset remain.

  1. On the main navigation bar, click Data.

    Click DATA on main nav

    The Data view appears, open on the Datasets tab.

    Main landing page of DATA
  2. Find the dataset in the list of datasets, either by scrolling or by using search.
  3. On the row that represents the particular dataset, click the (trash) icon to delete the dataset.

    Deleting a dataset
    Deleting a Dataset
  4. The Delete confirmation modal window appears.

    In Delete confirmation modal window, note the name of the particular dataset, and the list of all applications that use it.

    In the Delete confirmation modal window's text entry field, type DELETE, in uppercase, and click Delete.

    Confirming Dataset deletion
    Confirming Deletion of a Dataset

Note that the particular dataset no longer appears in the list of datasets.