Job Log

Here is a representative view of the Jobs Log interface, its features, and the actions available from it. By default, the Jobs interface opens on the Job Log tab.

Jobs interface, on job log tab
  1. The Job Log tab provides information on all jobs.
  2. The Scheduled Jobs tab maintans the list of email jobs that run on a schedule, or are triggered by measures on the dataset reaching a defined threshold.
  3. The Manage Schedule Intervals tabs list all custom time intervals.
  4. Click Refresh to update the log information.
  5. Clicking Delete Selected performs a delete on all selected jobs. See Deleting Jobs.
  6. Run Now reruns all selected jobs. See Rerunning Jobs.
  7. A sub-menu of the Job Log interface provides an option for filering job logs, based on their status:

    • All (default)
    • Error
    • Finished
    • Running
    • Cancelled
  8. The list of jobs in the Job Log provides the following information for each listed job:

    • Status, which could be Pending, Running, Finished, Error, or Cancelled.

      job status options
    • Log ID
    • Name
    • Details, such as threshold information (if any), email recepients, schedule type, and so on.
    • Initiated by provides the ID of the user who started the job.
    • Start Time gives the timestamp of when a job starts, in local time.
    • Total Run Time reports the amount of time the query runs, approaximetely. Some jobs report a run time of a few seconds, others report a minute or more.
  9. The checkbox on the header row and on each job log entry selects the jobs for bulk deletion or a rerun.
  10. The actions that are available for individuals jobs include the following:

    • Details opens the information module for the job log.

      job status options
    • Run Now reruns the job. See Rerunning Jobs.

    • Cancel, if available, cancels a running job.