Saving Tables; Materialized Tables or Logical Views

Arcadia Enterprise enables you to save tabular data as its own table, and writes it back to the database. It also enables you to produce a dataset based on data exposed in a visual, which may be used for self-referenced application stacking.

Availability Notes:This feature is available only when:
  • Examining data in either table or query visuals.
  • Using Arcadia or Impala connections.
  • User has Data Import/Load privileges.

To follow these steps, you may choose to prepare by importing data from datafile SnP500.csv, and creating a dataset from it. We named our dataset S&P 500 Historical Data.

  1. Select the dataset, and click New Visual.
  2. For a Table visual: In the visual edit view, select the necessary fields from the Fields menu on the left, and place them onto the Dimensions, Measures, and Filter shelves.

    For a Query visual: make the necessary edits in the SQL statement at the top of the visual.

  3. Make all necessary changes to the shelves, such as filtering, ordering, calculation, and so on, so they can be saved in the new table.

    • Because the column names in the new table derive from the shelves, we recommend that you alias the aggregate fields.
    • Adjust the Limit to ensure that all rows are captured in the new table.
    • If you are comfortable working with SQL statements, many of these changes and adjustments are quicker to make by directly editing the SQL.
  4. On the top right menu, click (ellipsis) icon, and then select Save Table from the menu.

    Saving Table Data in Table Visual
  5. In the Create a materialized table or logical view modal window, fill out these fields:

    1. Enter the Name of the new table. We are using snp500_price_and_earnings.
    2. Choose the Type: Materialized table to permanently save query results, Logical view to generate updated query results every time the visualization is loaded or refreshed, or Dataset directly from query.
    3. [If creating a Materialized Table] Choose Storage format, either Parquet or Text file.
    4. Under Create in database, choose an existing database where to save the table.
    5. [Optional] When creating a dataset as part of this operation, select the Create a new dataset... option, and enter the Dataset name.
    6. Click Create.
    Creating a New Materialized Table
  6. A success confirmation modal appears, with a link to the new default visual on the new dataset.

  7. Click the link to open a new default visual on the new dataset, in Edit mode.