Using Connection Explorer

Arcadia Enterprise enables you to see existing data connections and all data tables accessible through them. In the Connection Explorer interface, users can create new connections to data sources, preview that data, create new datasets, navigate to these datasets, import supplemental data, and locate existing dashboards and visuals based on specific datasets.

The following steps demonstrate how to use the Connection Explorer. After reading these instructions, explore the following topics:

  1. On the main navigation bar, click Data.

    Click DATA on main nav

    The Data view appears, open on the Datasets tab.

    Main landing page of DATA
  2. In the main area, click the Connection Explorer tab.
  3. The Connection Explorer interface appears.

    Click the samples connection in left navigation (in this example, it is an Arcadia connection), and then select the samples database. Note all the functionality available here:

    list of tables on connection explorer
    Overview of the Connection Explorer Interface
    1. The New Connection button for connecting to any source of data. See Connecting to Data.
    2. The New Dataset button for creating datasets, which are necessary for developing dashboards and visuals. You can also use start a new datasets from a specified table. See Creating Datasets.
    3. The Supplemental menu. Clicking on it opens new options.
    4. For Arcadia connections, the Create Analytical View option under the supplemental menu creates analytical views. See the discussion on Analytical Views.
    5. For Arcadia and Impala connections, clicking the Clear Result Cache option under the supplemental menu forces a reload of the full table definition. Clicking Refresh for individual tables performs the action on that table only. See Refreshing Table Metadata.
    6. For Arcadia and SQLite connections, the Import Data option under the supplemental menu enables you to introduce data that enriches your datasets, from outside sources. See Importing Data.
    7. Import Visual Artifacts option under the supplemental menu enables you to restore or import visual artifacts from a back-up *.json file.
    8. The Datasets tab lists all existing datasets on the connection. See Datasets.
    9. The Connection Explorer tab (current) enables you to manage all functions related to the data on the connection.
    10. For Arcadia connections, the Analytical Views tab provides an overview of all analytical views and their status. See Analytical Views.
    11. Clicking on the number in the # Datasets column generates a list of all existing datasets on that table.
    12. For Arcadia connections, you can also update the statistics for a specific table by clicking Compute Statistics. See Computing Table Statistics.