Syntax and General Usage

The API has a consistent pattern for each data type, with the following basic access syntax:

[http | https]:/host:port/arc/adminapi/version/data_type[/object_id][?options]


The HTTP method specifies the operation type:


List of an item identified though the object_id, or all items, with default summary information. The URL option 'detail=true' returns all data details.


Update: The fields in the request data update the item with matching object _id.

Create: If the URL or request data does not specify the object_id, ArcViz creates a new data item.

Validate: To verify that the connection is successful, issue the POST command two times:

  1. Issue the POST command with the validate flag set to true.
       "name": "ArcEngine Dev",
       "type": "arcengine",
       "validate": "true",
       "info": {
       "PARAMS": {
       "HOST": "localhost",
       "PORT": "21051",
       "USERNAME": "admin",
       "SETTINGS": {
  2. On success, issue the same POST command without the validate flag. This step saves the data.

Delete the specified item.