Working with Dashboards

Arcadia Enterprise dashboards consolidate related visualizations. Dashboards contain one or more sheets for organizing visualizations. This gives you the flexibility to place all necessary information about a dataset, a line of inquiry, or a business on the same screen, and still have quick access to related or supplemental visualizations on other sheets. It all depends on the needs and wants of your enterprise.

After you create a dashboard, you add visuals and filter controls. You can customize its settings and styles, and add custom styles. To become familiar with the basics of building dashboards, see the overview of Visual Builder for Dashboards.

Arcadia Enterprise Release introduced the notions of workspaces and linked visuals, and therefore altered the functionality of dashboards. Dashboards can display and link visuals that are based on different datasets across different connection.

This section includes the following topics:

Tip. The following video demonstrates how to create a dashboard, change dashboard settings, and add visuals and filter widgets.