Changing Data Type

Arcadia Data allows users to change the effective data type of a column in the dataset model without changing the source data. This is useful in many business environments to ensure correct processing of numerical codes, catalog numbers, event ids, dates, and so on.

The following steps demonstrate how to change the type of a column. We are using the column iso_cc (the ISO-compliant country code) in the dataset World Life Expectancy [data source samples.world_life_expectancy].

  1. On the main navigation bar, click Data.

    Click DATA on main nav

    The Data view appears, open on the Datasets tab.

    Main landing page of DATA
  2. In the left navigation menu, click samples.
  3. In the Datasets area, select World Life Expectancy (samples.world_life_expectancy).

    selecting a dataset
    Selecting Dataset 'World Life Expectancy'
  4. In the Dataset Detail menu, select Fields.

    detail of 'World Life Expectancy'
    Dataset Detail for 'World Life Expectancy'
  5. In the Fields interface, select Edit Field.

    Editing Fields of Dataset 'World Life Expectancy'
    Editing the Fields of Dataset 'World Life Expectancy'
  6. Under Dimensions, find the field iso_cc, and click the (down arrow) icon, immediately following the # icon.

    In the menu, select String.

    changing field type
    Changing the Field Type
  7. Under Dataset: World Life Expectancy, click Save.

As a result of this change, all new visuals created from this dataset will automatically use the new type. However, this may 'break' the visuals that already use the column in aggregations or custom expressions.