Release Notes,

Arcadia Enterprise Release

(ArcViz, ArcEngine 2.9.2)

This document contains release information notes for Arcadia Enterprise, and is accurate at the time of publication.

In this release, we have these enhancements:

To see our certification matrix, read Certifications.

To see the catalog of known issues that we are tracking, read Known Issues.

Real-time Insights with Streaming Data Support

Streaming Real-Time Streaming Dashboards accessible through KSQL connector

Starting with this release, you can connect to your data using Confluence KSQL connections. See Creating New Confluent KSQL Connections and Support for Confluent KSQL Connections.

Smooth Animation with Canvas

We added smooth animation of streaming data for most commonly used visuals: line, bar, area, stacked bar, combo, calendar heatmap, correlation heatmap, packed bubbles, pie, and scatter.

More Powerful SQL Editing

We previously used the Visual Editor for SQL in specify expressions in visuals. This release adds the Enhanced Visual Editor for SQL authoring, including autocomplete, across the Visualization Server.

Table Join Expressions

Write and validate SQL expressions in a separate Join Expression interface, while defining join conditions. See Creating Joins and Editing Join Details.

Event Filter Expressions

Write and validate SQL expressions in a separate Filter Expression interface, while creating and managing events. See Creating Events, Cloning Events, and Editing Events.

Segment Filter Expressions

Write and validate SQL expressions in a separate Filter Expression interface, while creating and managing segments. See Creating Segments, Cloning Segments, Editing Segments, and Creating Entity Segments.

Custom Java Script

A new Autocomplete option lets you choose from a list of Arcadia-specific APIs. See JavaScript Custom Styles.

Enhancements to Visuals and Dashboards

New Treemap Visual

This release features a new Treemap visual for displaying hierarchical data as nested rectangles. See Treemap Visuals.

Cross-Tabulation Visual

We added nested table subtotals and totals to cross-tabulation visuals. See Displaying Totals With Data Expansion.

You can specify a custom subtotal title; see Displaying Title for Subtotal Rows. To move the totals reporting above the expansion rows, see Showing Expansion Totals Above Expansion Rows.

Network Visual

The Network visual has many improvements in this release, to control size and color of links and nodes by independent variables, and to color links and nodes using a distinct color palette. See Network Visuals and Network Visual Settings, and new settings options organized under the Nodes and Links menus. Note also that you can specify the link arrow color separately, through the Changing the Arrow Color option.

Interactive Map Visual
This release introduces new map style options for both Google Maps and Mapbox Tile Server. These map rendering options are Default, Subtle, Dark, Light, Muted, and Satellite, and you can preview them in the article on Map Style. Remember that you can also specify a Custom Mapbox.
Correlation Heatmap Visual
In this release, we can control the length of row and column labels in the correlation visual. See Setting Maximum Row Label Length and Setting Column Label Length.
SQL Query Visual
We upgraded the SQL Query visual type to use the enhanced Visual Editor for SQL.
Font Size for Axis Labels, Legends, and Item Labels

You can now control font size for axis labels, legends, and item labels on all visuals and dashboards. See Customizing Visual Axes and Labels.

Font Weight for Visual and Dashboard Titles

To learn how you can control font weight of titles on all visuals and dashboards, see Customizing Visual Title and Dashboard Titles Styles.

Font and Font Size for Tooltips

Customizing Tooltip describes how to control font and font size of a tooltip inside a visual.

Trellis Settings
In this release, we collected all options related to trellises under its own menu. See Customizing Trellis. We also added the options to control trellis cell height and trellis cell width.
Field Comments in Visual Builder
You can now view comments defined in the dataset, when working in Visual Builder. See Adding Field Comments.
Values Displayed in a Custom Filter
You can control the number of items displayed in a custom filter when the filter initially downloads the values. See Changing Number of Initial Options in Dashboard Filters.
Embedding Dashboards and Visuals
To include dashboards and job status information inside your application's web page, without the Arcadia Data logo, see Embedding Dashboards and Reports.


KSQL Connections

In this release, we introduce Confluent KSQL Connections.

Also, see Support for Confluent KSQL Connections.

Microsoft SQL Server Connections
We added the information on Setting up the MS SQL Driver.

Arcadia Engine Enhancements

Analytical View Recommendations and Smart Acceleration

In this release, we added a command-line utility for Analytical View Recommendations and Smart Acceleration. See Arcadia Smart Acceleration Command Line Utility.

Analytical View Refresh

In this release, we made several significant speed and performance improvements to incrementally refreshable analytical views that operate over logical views:

  • We do not insert into the analytical views the partitions that do not match the predicates of the related logical view.
  • During refresh, we remove from analytical views the partitions that at that time no longer match the related logical view.

When dropping partitions, we combine sub-commands of the analytical view refresh for multi-column partition keys, provided the last partition keys are different.

Ranger Auditing for Kerberized Clusters

We extended Ranger auditing support to kerberized clusters.

We disabled connection fallback for Arcadia Catalog and Arcadia-specific functions.
Validating Data Connection

Starting with this release, you can use the Admin API to verify that the data connection is successful. See Admin API Syntax and Usage.

Logs of Analytical View Usage
This release reports the usage of analytical views through the Visualization Server's Activity Log interface. Also, see ArcEngine Logs.

Security Enhancements

Connection Creator Privileges
Provided that the other permissions line up, a user who creates a connection automatically has the ability to use this connection, to create and manage its datasets, and so on. See Connecting to Data and Creating Data Connections.
RBAC Permissions

Starting with this release, Manage site settings and Manage custom styles are distinct system-level permissions. In previous releases, they were a single permission.

This release adds a new system-level permission, Manage jobs, email templates.

Specifying User by Name
You can now customize the navigation bar with the first name and last name of the user. See Creating New User Accounts.
User Password Requirements

For strong password control, administrators can specify requirements for length and complexity of user passwords. See Setting User Password Requirements.

LDAP Group Queries
We added support for complex group requirements, through LDAP Group Queries.
Account Lockout Configuration

Administrators can now change the default account lockout settings. See Account Lockout Configuration.

Help Menu Customization

Customizing the Help Menu
You can customize the Help menu in the main navigation bar. See Customizing the Help Menu Through the Settings File.