Setting up Multi-Process ArcViz on Cloudera

Arcadia Enterprise enables the multi-process Arcadia Visualization Server by default.

However, note that if you select SQLite under Where To Store Metadata, Arcadia Visualization Server will run in legacy single process mode. See Set Options and Complete Installation.

Here, we show you how to alter our default configuration.

Enable or Change the Multi-Process Configuration

Multi-process Arcadia Visualization Server is enabled by default. Follow these steps to review or change the multi-process configuration of ArcViz:
  1. In Cloudera Manager, under the Clusters tab, select the Configuration interface.

  2. Under the Filters menu, expand Scope, and then select Arcadia Visualization Server.

  3. Note the following configuration parameters:

    Number of Arcviz Processes
    This is the number of concurrent Arcviz processes; our recommended and default setting is 3.
    Starting port for Arcviz Processes
    The port where the first process runs, 30141 by default. Other processes run on contiguous and sequentially-numbered servers, such as 30142 and 30143. We chose this range because it is not used by standard processes. In the highly unlikely situation where custom internal processes already run in the specified range of ports, you should assign a new starting port for this parameter and subsequent ports, so that Arcadia Visualization Server runs correctly.
    Logging port for Arcviz Processes
    This port runs the logging jobs for the processes.

    Note that the Arcadia Visualization Server Web entry point is on port 38888.

    Arcviz multi-process configuration
    Cloudera Manager Cluster Configuration: Enable Multi-Process ArcViz

Disable the Multi-Process Configuration

Follow these steps to disable the multi-process configuration of ArcViz:

  1. In Cloudera Manager, under the Clusters tab, select the Configuration interface.

  2. Under the Filters menu, expand Scope, and then select Arcadia Visualization Server.

  3. In the main area of the interface, in the search box, enter the text arcviz_force_single_proc and start the search.

  4. Note that the search results return a single configuration parameter:

    • Force Arcviz legacy single process mode

      Select this option to disable multi-processing.

    Arcviz multi-process configuration
    Cloudera Manager Cluster Configuration: Disable Multi-Process ArcViz

To find out how you can achieve best performance in a multi-process ArcViz setup and its limitations, see Multi-Process ArcViz.