Start Arcadia Services on MapR

After configuring Arcadia Services on the service node and all non-service nodes, you must start Arcadia Services on all nodes.

For MapR installations, follow these steps to start Arcadia Services on all nodes:

  1. Start the ArcadiaStateStore service on the service node:

    sudo maprcli node services -name arcadiastatestore -action restart -nodes service_node_ip 
  2. Start the ArcadiaCatalog service on the service node:

    sudo maprcli node services -name arcadiacatalog -action restart -nodes service_node_ip
  3. Start the ArcEngine service on all nodes of the cluster, including the service node. Include all nodes, separated by a space character:

    sudo maprcli node services -name arcengine -action restart -nodes service_node_ip node_1_ipnode_n-ip
  4. Start or restart the ArcViz service on the service node:

    sudo maprcli node services -name arcviz -action restart -nodes service_node_ip
  5. [Upgrades] When migrating from an earlier installation of Arcadia Enterprise, ensure that metadata and analytical views are migrated correctly.