Refreshing Visuals Manually

If you have a slow back-end data connection and your dashboard is loading slowly, you can choose to load the filters first, specify their settings, and then manually load the visuals. This section explains how to use the manual Refresh Visuals feature.

To enable manual refresh of visuals in a dashboard, see Refreshing Visuals Manually on Dashboard.

Follow these steps to manually refresh visuals in a dashboard:

  1. Open any dashboard in Edit mode. We opened the World Life Expectancy dashboard.
  2. Under Settings, navigate to the General menu, and select the Refresh visuals manually option.
  3. Under Filters, click on the year field to add a new filter widget to the dashboard and select 1900 from the dropdown.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Switch to View mode.
  6. Notice that only the filter widget appears on the dashboard without any visuals. To view visuals, click Refresh Visuals on the top right corner of the dashboard.

    Clicking the 'Refresh Visuals' option in the dashboard
  7. The visual now appears in the dashboard along with the defined filter.
    Rendering the visual
  8. Let us add year 1901 to the filter. As soon as we change the filter, notice that the filter refreshes to show both the values 1900, 1901 but the visual does not refresh. The year column continues to show only 1900 values. Also, notice that the Refresh Visuals option again appears on the top right corner of the dashboard.

    Showing how changing the filter does not refresh the visual automatically
  9. To render the updated visual, click Refresh Visuals. Notice that the year column now shows the updated values, 1900 and 1901.

    Clicking the 'Refresh Visuals' option to refresh the visual
  10. Click Save.