Enabling Case Sensitive Dashboard Filters

By default, Arcadia Enterprise processes all parameter data in case-sensitive manner. It also has an option for disabling case-sensitive comparison on dashboard settings.

Read the instructions on how to perform the following tasks:

Enabling and Disabling Case Sensitive Dashboards

To enable dashboards to use case-sensitive names in output parameters, navigate to the General menu, and select the Parameter names are case sensitive option.

Enable case-sensitive dashboard Filters

To disable case-sensitive comparison, de-select this option.

The following image shows Visual_1 and Visual_2. They do not use a case-sensitive output parameter filter. Notice that the visuals look the same.

Displaying Visual_1 and Visual_2 without applying a case-sensitive filter
Comparison of Visual_1 and Visual_2 Before Applying the Case-Sensitive Filter

Using Case-Sensitive Parameters

To configure a case-sensitive filter expression in only one of the visuals, Visual_1, and then compare the visuals, follow these steps:

  1. In dashboard Edit mode, hover over the cereal_name filter widget's top right corner.

  2. When the controls appear, click the (gear) icon.

  3. In the Settings modal window, under the Values tab, enter Cereal_name in the Output Parameter field. Notice that we entered the parameter name with an upper-case 'C'.

    Click Apply.

    Entering uppercase parameter name in the Output Parameter field
    Enter a Case Sensitive Output Parameter Name
  4. Open Visual_1, and switch to Edit mode.

  5. Add the field cereal_name to the Filter shelf.

  6. When configuring the filter, use the Enter/Edit Expression mode with the following case-sensitive expression:

    [cereal_name] IN (<<Cereal_name.data: 'All-Bran'>>)

    This filter displays only 'All-Bran' cereal details when the output parameter name is in uppercase.

    Click Save.

    Creating a cereal_name filter and adding a case-sensitive expression in Visual_1 and clicking save.
    Configure a Case Sensitive Filter Expression in Visual_1
  7. Click Refresh Visual to apply the filter, and then click Save.

    Clicking the refresh visual tab to apply the filter and then clicking save.
    Apply the Filter Configuration Changes
  8. In the following image, notice that Visual_1, where we applied the case-sensitive filter, only shows the 'All Bran' cereal details. Compare it to Visual_2 that does not have the case-sensitive filter, and displays all other selections.

    displaying the comparison of Visual_1 and Visual_2 after applying the case-sensitive custom filter
    Comparison of Visual_1 and Visual_2 Display