Store Metadata on MapR

After configuring Arcadia Services on the service node, you must store metadata depending on your system architecture and database.

By default, the file specifies SQLite as the database to store metadata.

DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = os.path.join(VARDIR, "arcviz.sqlite3")

On MySQL, Postgress, or Oracle, the database must be already in place. You must edit the file and specify the following information: Data Directory, Metadata Database User, Metadata Database Password, Metadata Database Host, and Metadata Database Name.

This topic includes the following sections:

Storing Metadata on MySQL

To store metadata on MySQL, edit the file on the node where ArcViz is installed, and replace the following SQLite command:

DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = os.path.join(VARDIR, "arcviz.sqlite3")

with the following MySQL command syntax:

  import pymysql
  DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = "django.db.backends.mysql"
  SOUTH_DATABASE_ADAPTERS = { 'default' : 'south.db.mysql' }
  DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = <metastore_db_dbname'>
  DATABASES['default']['USER'] = <metastore_db_user>
  DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] = <metastore_db_password>
  DATABASES['default']['HOST'] = <metastore_db_host>
  DATABASES['default']['PORT'] = <metastore_db_port>
  DATABASES['default']['CONN_MAX_AGE'] = 0

Storing Metadata on Postgress

To store metadata on Postgress edit the file on the node where ArcViz is installed, and replace the following Postgress command:

DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = os.path.join(VARDIR, "arcviz.sqlite3")

with the following Postgress command syntax:

  DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2"
  SOUTH_DATABASE_ADAPTERS = { 'default' : 'south.db.postgresql_psycopg2' } 
  DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = <metastore_db_dbname'>
  DATABASES['default']['USER'] = <metastore_db_user>
  DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] = <metastore_db_password>
  DATABASES['default']['HOST'] = <metastore_db_host>
  DATABASES['default']['PORT'] = <metastore_db_port>

Storing Metadata on Oracle

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Proceed to Start Arcadia Services on MapR.