Base Colors on Dimension Values

Arcadia Enterprise enables you to make colors consistent on dimension values.

This feature applies to Bar visuals, Line visuals, Area visuals, Combined Bar/Line visuals, and Pie visuals.

In dimensions where several visuals include same dimension values, it is helpful if these values are colored identically. It also removes the need for multiple legends on the same app.

For this feature to work properly, you must ensure that the target visuals use the same color palette.

In the following example, we show how to standardize colors for a US State Population app that uses a bar visual and a trellised line visual.

To ensure that the colors are consistent across the visuals when they appear in the same dashboard, navigate to the Colors settings, and select the option Base colors on dimension values. You must do this for each visual in the dashboard.

Compare the color values for the two visual in the top graph. It can be easily seen that the legends for the visuals don't match. However, they are identical in the bottom dashboard, where we enabled the color consistency feature.

Enabling Same Color on Dimension Values in a Dashboard