Shelves for Map Visuals

When using the Map visual in Arcadia Data, you can place the dimensions and measures of the dataset on the following shelves: Geo, Color, Size, Drill, Tooltips, X Trellis, Y Trellis, and Filters.

A map visual has the following shelves:


Add a Geo-type field from the Data menu to determine the location on the map.

Geo types include country, state, county, DMA, zipcode or postal code, or latitude and longitude. If the field is not automatically recognized as a qualified Geo type, select Change Type from the Field Properties menu.

This shelf accepts multiple fields, but plots a map with the highest possible resolution.

This is mandatory shelf.


Add a Measure field from the Data menu to aggregate values across locations.

This shelf displays only one field on the graph. Additional fields appear only in the Tooltip.


Add a Measure field from the Data menu to aggregate values across locations.

This shelf displays only one field on the graph. Additional fields appear only in the Tooltip.


Add Dimension fields from the Data menu to this shelf; use Geo-type fields only.

When Drill Into context menu is enabled but no fields are specified, you can drill into any dimension. Specifying the fields on this shelf limits drilling to these dimensions.

This shelf accepts multiple fields.


Add Measure fields from the Data menu for additional information in the graph's Tooltip.

This shelf accepts multiple fields.

X Trellis

Use a Dimension field from the Data menu to trellis the visual into columns.

This shelf accepts multiple fields.

Y Trellis

Use a Dimension field from the Data menu to trellis the visual into rows.

This shelf accepts multiple fields.


Add Dimension or Measure fields from the Data menu to include or exclude categorical or value criteria.

This shelf accepts multiple fields.