Creating New Google BigQuery Connections

Arcadia Enterprise supports data connections to Google BigQuery connections for the cloud.

The following steps demonstrate how to create new data connections to Google BigQuery.

Developer Notes:

Note the following known issue that affects Google BigQuery connections:

Create New Data Connection Modal Window: Google BigQuery
Create a New Google BigQuery Connection
  1. On the main navigation bar, click Data.

    Click DATA on main navigation bar

    The Data view appears, open on the Datasets tab.

    Main landing page of DATA
  2. In the side bar, click New Connection.

    Create New Connection

    The Create New Data Connection modal window appears.

  3. In the Create New Data Connection modal window, under Connection type, select Google BigQuery.
  4. Under Connection name, specify the name of the new connection. Here, we use BigQueryConnection.
  5. Under Service Account Key, provide the contents of your service account key file.
  6. Under Billing Project, enter the name of the billing project.
  7. Under Data Project, enter the name of the data project.
  8. At the bottom of the modal, click Test.

    testing connection
    Testing the New Connection

    If the connection is valid, the system returns a 'Connection Verified' message.

  9. Click Save.

    connection verified, connecting
    Connecting a Verified Connection

After this operation succeeds, the new connection name appears on the side navigation bar. To customize the connection, see the options available under the Cache tab.

Cache Options

  • Click the Cache tab.

    Cache tab, specifying Result Cache Enable and Retention Time options
    Specifying Cache
  • Select the Result Cache option to enable periodic cache updates.

  • In the Retention Time field, specify the frequency of cache updates, in seconds.

    For example, the default value of 86400 indicates an update every 24 hours, and a value of 300 initiates a refresh every 5 minutes.