Receiving Optional Measure Parameters in Dashboards

Arcadia Enterprise can hide or display measures at run-time. To do that, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Creating Visuals with Optional Measures
  2. Creating Filters that Control Optional Measures

Creating Visuals with Optional Measures

You may choose to duplicate the dashboard that you created earlier according to the instructions in Receiving Optional Dimension Parameters in Dashboards. In this case, open the visual, and skip to Step 6 in the following workflow.

  1. Open a new dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard, click New Visual.
  3. Under the Data menu, select the World Life Expectancy dataset.
  4. Under the Visuals menu, choose the Table visual type.
  5. Populate the shelves of the visual:

    • From Dimension, select and move un_region and un_subregion fields onto the Dimension shelf.
    • From Measures, select and move population field onto the Measures shelf.
    • From Dimensions, select and move year field onto the Filters shelf.
    • On the Filters shelf, select year field, choose Pick values from a list, select 2000, and click Save.
    Set-up for Visual
    Set-up for Visual
  6. From Measures, select and move the life_expectancy field onto the Measures shelf.
  7. On the Measures shelf, click the life_expectancy field.

    In the Field Properties menu, select [ ] Enter/Edit Expression.

    preparing to edit expression for a measure field
  8. In the Enter/Edit Expression modal window,

    • Change the text to the following expression: [<<mes:>>].
    • Click Validate & Save.
    creating a dimension in Enter/Edit Expression interface
    Creating an Optional Dimension in Enter/Edit Expression Interface
  9. Click Refresh Visual.
  10. Change the name of the visual to Regional Populations.
  11. Click Save.

Creating Filters that Control Optional Measures

Before starting on this work flow, complete the steps in Creating Visuals with Optional Measures.

  1. In the dashboard, click the Filters tab.
  2. Click Create Custom Filter to create a second dashboard filter.

    adding a new parameter filter to the application
    Adding a New Parameter Filter to the Dashboard
  3. This creates a New Filter in the filter area of the application, and opens the Settings window modal for that filter.

    Initial Settings for a Custom Filter
  4. In the Settings modal window, under the Values tab, enter the following:

    • Under Title, enter Display Measures.
    • Under Output Parameter, enter mes.

      Note that this is the parameter from Creating Visuals with Optional Measures.

    • Under Specified values, enter the following two rows:

      • Value: life_expectancy, Label: Life Expectancy
      • Value: gdp_per_capita, Label: GDP per Capita
    Configuring Values Settings for the Optional Dimension
    Configuring Values Settings for the Optional Dimension
  5. In the Settings modal window, switch to Display Settings tab, and select Allow only one item to be selected at a time and then select Include an option for 'All'. .

    Click Apply.

    Configuring Display Settings for the Optional Measure
    Configuring Display Settings for the Optional Measure
  6. Name and save the dashboard.
  7. Switch to application View mode, and select World Regional Populations.

    Application with Optional Dimension and Measures, at Runtime
    Dashboard with Optional Dimension and Measures, at Runtime
  8. [Optional] In the Display Country Details filter, select Country.
  9. In the Display Measures filter, select Life Expectancy.

    Choosing to Filter on 'Life Expectancy'
    Choosing to Filter on 'Life Expectancy'

    Note that the table now has a new column, life_expectancy.

    Optional Measure 'Life Expectancy' Included in Application
    Optional Measure 'Life Expectancy' Included in the Dashboard
  10. You can change the measure that appears in the visual.

    In the Display Measures filter, select GDP per Capita.

    Choosing to Filter on 'GDP per Capita'
    Choosing to Filter on 'GDP per Capita'

    Note that the additional column is now titled gdp_per_capita, not life_expectancy.

    To check the parameters of the dashboard, hover the pointer over the (filter) icon at the top right corner. They are dim: country, dim.alias: Country, and mes: gdp_per_capita. You can scroll down to see the mes.alias: GDP per Capita parameter.

    Optional Measure 'GDP per Capita' Included in Dashboard
    Optional Measure 'GDP per Capita' Included in the Dashboard
  11. [Optional] You can easily navigate between the permutations of filter outputs you create by using filter navigation controls at the top right corner.