Date and Time Functions

Arcadia Enterprise has several built-in transformations for date and time that can be applied before rendering visual charts.

To use a date and time functions, follow these steps.

  1. Click on the field you plan to modify, to open the Field Properties menu.
  2. Under Field Properties, click to expand the Date/Time Functions menu.

    date/time options when on shelf
  3. From the Date/Time Functions menu, select one of the following options:
    • Date
    • Year
    • Month
    • Year and Month
    • Year and Quarter
    • Day of Month
    • Day of Year
    • Day of Week (numeric, starting with Sunday)
    • Day of Week (numeric, starting with Monday)
    • Display as Day of Week (Mon - Sun)
    • Display as Day of Week (Monday - Sunday)
    • Display as Day of Week (Sun - Sat)
    • Display as Day of Week (Sunday - Saturday)
  4. A checkmark precedes the current selection.
  5. Click Refresh Visual.