Creating a Dataset from a Direct Access Query

After getting the results of a SQL query in Direct Access interface, you can use the results as a basis of a new dataset.

To create a dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Click Create Dataset under the Query field.

    Creating a Dataset from a Direct Access SQL Query
    Creating a Dataset from a Direct Access SQL Query
  2. In the New Dataset window modal, provide the following information:

    1. Under Dataset Title, enter the name of the new dataset. We used State Populations.
    2. Under Dataset Source, retain the From SQL option. Alternatively, you can choose to create the dataset From Table.
    3. You can change the statement in the SQL text window if you must; we suggest that you use the Autocomplete option.
    Click Create.
    Creating a Dataset from a Direct Access SQL Query
    Creating a Dataset from a Direct Access SQL Query
  3. If you examine the Datasets tab, you can see the new dataset, Created from SQL.
    Confirming Dataset Created from SQL Query
    Confirming Dataset Created from SQL Query