ArcEngine Log Bundling Command Line Utility Options

You can perform various operations in the Log Bundling Command Line Utility.

The following options are available in the Log Bundling Command Line Utility. Note that enumerated values are case-insensitive.

-c, --coordinators_only

Specifies that logs should be retrieved only from coordinator nodes. The default condition is not to specify this setting, which fetches data from all nodes.

The command line specifications for a getting the logs only from coordinator nodes should look something like this:

./arcviz  util log_bundling ... -c ...
./arcviz  util log_bundling ... --coordinators_only ...
-d DURATION, --duration=DURATION

Specifies duration of data logs to fetch, in seconds. The default duration is 3600 seconds.

The command line specifications for a duration time of 15 minutes translates to 900 seconds, and should look something like this:

./arcviz  util log_bundling ... -d 900 ...
              ./arcviz  util log_bundling ... --duration=90 ...

Specifies the name of the data connection.

The command line specifications for a connection MyConnection should look something like this:

./arcviz  util log_bundling ... --dcname=MyConnection ...
-h, --help

Shows the help message, with all parameters, and exits.

The command specification for the this option looks like this:

./arcviz  util log_bundling -h
./arcviz  util log_bundling --help

The output looks like this. Note that it is equivalent to that of the --usage option:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
  -s START_TIME, --start_time=START_TIME
                        Specify start time of data (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
  -d DURATION, --duration=DURATION
                        Specify duration of data in seconds to fetch [default:
  --dcname=DCNAME       Data connection name [default: default]
  -n NODES, --nodes=NODES
                        Comma-delimited list of data nodes to fetch data
                        [default: ]
  -c, --coordinators_only
                        Fetch from coordinator nodes only [default: ]
  -l LEVELS, --log_levels=LEVELS
                        List of log levels to include [default: INFO, WARNING,
                        ERROR, FATAL]
  -p PROCESSES, --processes=PROCESSES
                        List of processes to include [default: CATALOGD,
                        STATESTORED, ARCENGINED]
  -m MAX_BYTES_TO_ZIP, --max_bytes_to_zip=MAX_BYTES_TO_ZIP
                        Maximum total bytes to zip (approximate) [default:
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir=OUTPUT_DIR
                        output directory to write data
  --usage               Display usage text and exit
--log_levels, -l

Specifies a comma-delimited list of log levels to include in the log bundle. The default condition is not to specify any levels, which fetches all logs.

The possible levels are info, warning, error, and fatal. The command line specifications for a getting the logs of warning, error, and fatal levels should look something like this:

./arcviz  util log_bundling ... -l "warning,error,fatal" ...
./arcviz  util log_bundling ... --log_levels="warning,error,fatal" ...
-m MAX_BYTES_TO_ZIP, --max_bytes_to_zip=MAX_BYTES_TO_ZIP

Specifies the maximum size of the resultant bundled file, in bytes. If the value is not specified, the default setting is 1,000,000 bytes, or 1 MB. The maximum possible zip size is 2,000,000,000 bytes, or 2 GB. This is an approximate size.

The command line specifications for a maximum size of 2 MB translates to 2,000,000 bytes, and should look something like this:

./arcviz  util log_bundling ... -m 2000000 ...
./arcviz  util log_bundling ... -max_bytes_to_zip 2000000 ...
-n NODES, --nodes=NODES

Specifies a comma-delimited list of named nodes where log data must be fetched, The default condition is not to specify any nodes, which fetches data from all nodes that run ArcEngine.

The command line specifications for a getting the logs from the nodes named sf, chicago, alexandria, and london should look something like this:

./arcviz  util log_bundling ... -n "sf,chicago,alexandria,london" ...
./arcviz  util log_bundling ... --nodes="sf,chicago,alexandria,london" ...
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir=OUTPUT_DIR

Specifies the local output directory where the system writes the bundled logs.

To write the logs to a previously created directory, such as Bundled Logs, you must specify the directory name:

./arcviz  util log_bundling ... /Users/username/Bundled%20Logs ...
./arcviz  util log_bundling ... --output_dir="/Users/username/Bundled%20Logs" ...
-p, --processes

Specifies the list of processes to include in the log bundle. The default condition is not to specify this option, which fetches logs for all processes.

The possible processes are CatalogD, SatestoreD, and ArcEngineD. The command line specifications for a getting the logs of CatalogD and ArcEngineD processes should look something like this:

./arcviz  util log_bundling ... -p "CatalogD,arcengined" ...
./arcviz  util log_bundling ... --processes="catalogd,ArcEngineD" ...
-s START_TIME, --start_time=START_TIME

Specifies the log collection start time, using the timestamp format in local time, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

The system retrieves the contemporaneous logs of nodes, regardless of their location. Note that nodes in a different time zone will report a different start time. For example, a log start time of 2018-06-19 21:00:00 in San Francisco would pick up a log start time of 2018-06-19 23:00:00 in Chicago, IL (2 hours later), 2018-06-20 00:00:00 in Alexandria, VA (3 hours later), and 2018-06-20 05:00:00 in London, UK (8 hours later).

./arcviz  util log_bundling ... -s "2018-06-19 21:00:00" ...
./arcviz  util log_bundling ... --start_time="2018-06-19 21:00:00" ...
-u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME

Specifies the name of the user making the request. Note that the user must have sufficient privileges, generally administrator privileges.

The command line specifications for user steve, who has sufficient privileges, should look something like this:

./arcviz  util log_bundling ...  -u steve ...
./arcviz  util log_bundling ...  --username=steve ...

Display usage text, and exit.

The command specification for the usage parameter looks like the following:

./arcviz  util log_bundling --usage

The output is equivalent to that of the -help/--help options.