
Working with Eager Aggregation

This video explains the concepts behind Eager Aggregation, and demonstrates how to enable and use it in Arcadia Enterprise. See Eager Aggregation.

App Designer

This video demonstrates how to build apps using the new App Designer interface: customizing the tabs of the app, and populating the tabs with relevant dashboards. It also shows how to style the app with custom logos, colors, and text. See Overview of App Designer.

Activity Logs and Log Bundling

This video demonstrates how to use Activity Logs, WebServer Logs, and ArcEngine Logs to diagnose performance issues. It also covers the ArcEngine Log Bundling Utility.

Working with Datasets

This video demonstrates how to connect to a data source, create a dataset, and understand basic semantic modeling such as modifying field names. See Datasets.

Working with Visuals

This video demonstrates how to create a line chart. It includes an overview and configuration options of the visual editor, visual catalog and charts supported by Arcadia, and how shelves are used to configure a new visual. See Working with Visuals.

Configuring Line and Bar Visuals

This video demonstrates how to configure line and bar visual shelves and field properties. Specifically, we provide examples of aliasing, changing measure aggregation, applying settings and styles, modifying color palettes, and legend placement. See Line Visuals.

Working with Dashboards

This video demonstrates how to create a dashboard, change dashboard settings, and add visuals and filter widgets. See Working with Dashboards.

Filters and Parameters

This linked video demonstrates how to configure different types of filters, their default behavior, dataset and explicit filter scope, and design best practices.

Derived Data

This video demonstrates how to derive data using nested sort, and store intermediate results in multi-pass calculations. See Derived Data.

Working with Workspaces

This video demonstrates how workspaces can be used to organize visual artifacts and how workspace privileges are different from dataset privileges. See Working with Workspaces.

Explore Visual Options

This linked video provides recommendations on new visuals based on selected dimensions and measures, and also demonstrates how to make styling changes based on these recommendations.

Receiving Parameters in Dashboards

This linked video provides an overview of dashboard parameters and syntax of using these parameters in visuals. It also demonstrates how to create complex interactions across visuals using parameters, including filtering, visual templates, dynamic texting, and custom filter widgets.

Adding Custom Styles to Apps

This video demonstrates how to customize an app logo with CSS template. See Adding Custom Styles to Apps.

Creating a New Connection

This linked video demonstrates how to connect to a data source, import data, create a dataset, and create visuals from the dataset.

Creating a Dataset

This linked video demonstrates how to connect to your data source, create a dataset, and join multiple tables to enrich your dataset.

Creating a Dashboard

This linked video demonstrates how to create a dashboard and link different visuals together by using dashboard parameters.

Smart Acceleration

This linked video demonstrates how Arcadia Smart AccelerationTM feature significantly improves the performance of the dashboards.

Complex Data Types

This linked video demonstrates how to access complex data types such as MAPS, STRUCTS, and ARRAYS, directly through the Arcadia Data user interface, without any coding.

Using Apache Sentry on Cloudera

This video provides an overview of Arcadia Data integration with Apache Sentry and demonstrates how Arcadia RBAC mirrors Sentry role definitions to define visualization level privileges. See Using Apache Sentry on Cloudera.