Country Map with Bubbles

A world map may use bubbles to show relative measurement values for countries. We can display two measurements at the same time: the first measurement as the color of the bubble, and the second one as the relative size of the bubble.

The following steps demonstrate how to create a new map visual on the dataset World Life Expectancy [data source samples.world_life_expectancy]. It produces bubbles with area that corresponds to the relative population in each country.

  1. Start a new visual based on dataset World Life Expectancy [data source samples.world_life_expectancy]; see Creating Visuals.
  2. In the visuals menu, find and click Map (row 5, column 1).

    selecting map chart type
  3. Note that the shelves of the visual changed. They are now Geo, Color, Size, Drill, Tooltips, X Trellis, Y Trellis, and Filters.

    The only mandatory shelf for map visuals is Geo.

    shelves of map visual type
  4. Populate the shelves from the available fields (Dimensions, Measures, and so on) in the Data menu.

    • Under Dimensions, select country and add it to the Geo shelf.
    • Under Measures, select population and add it to the Color shelf.
    • Under Measures, select gdp_per_capita and add it to the Size shelf.
    • Under Measures, select year and add it to the Filters shelf. When the Filter for year window modal appears, select 2010 in the Values tab, and click Apply.
    populating the shelves from the available fields
  5. Change the map from choropleth to bubble marks, as described in Displaying Bubbles on Maps.
  6. Adjust the size range of the marks to 1-10, as described in Changing the Mark Size Range.
  7. Click Refresh Visual.

    The map visual graph appears.

  8. [Optional] On the Tooltips shelf, add several fields from Dimensions and Measures.

    This enables you to see specific descriptive information in your visuals, such as input values, segment affiliation, and calculations.

    For example, from Dimensions, drag un_subregion, un_region, and year onto the Tooltips shelf.

  9. [Optional] Alias the fields on the shelves to improve the readability of the visual and its tooltip. See Alias.

    • population as Population
    • un_subregion as UN Subregion
    • un_region as UN Region
    • year as Year
  10. [Optional] Format the number reported by the GDP per Capita field to include a thousands separator, and format Year not to use the thousands separator. See Real Number Display Format and Integer Display Format.
  11. [Optional, recommended] Enable panning and zooming option, as described in Customizing Zoom.
  12. [Optional] Change the color palette to blue, as described in Change Color Palette.
  13. Again, click Refresh Visual.

    You can move the visual (pan), zoom in and out, and see the details in the Tooltips text.

    zooming in and out in the visual to see the details in the tooltips text
  14. Click (pencil icon) next to the title of the visualization to edit it, and enter the new name.

  15. Change the title to World Population - Map with Bubbles.
  16. At the top left corner of the Visual Designer, click Save.

    clicking to save