About Data Visualization

Get business insights through data-driven visuals.

In this section of Arcadia Enterprise documentation, we detail the core features of the Arcadia Visualization Server, and explain how to producing effective visuals.

The overview of the Dashboard Designer interface demonstrates how you can create, clone, and delete visuals, and how to save the information in them and share them as reports with other members of your organization. It also demonstrates on how to create and customize dashboards, add visuals and filters, work through the dashboard controls, and organize all related visuals on a single screen with sheets. With appropriate privileges, you can also create and manage workspaces.

You can discover your data in several ways. For instance, you can view subsets of data across other dimensions or click distinct elements of the visual to view the data directly associated with that element.

Explore our catalog of visual types, and instructions on how to build each type using sample datasets. Arcadia Enterprise also suggests new visual types and options based on the information you already use in existing visuals.

Advanced visualization techniques demonstrate advanced analysis techniques for visuals, such as trellises, dual axes, dimension hierarchies, and many more.

This section includes the following topics: